Congress: Fix America’s Coverage Gap!

After weeks of negotiation in Congress, the Build Back Better Reconciliation Bill passed through the House of Representatives with a provision that will close the coverage gap through 2025, for 2.2 million Americans in the 12 states that haven’t expanded Medicaid. We are so close! To get it over the finish line we must turn our attention to President Biden and the Senate and urge them to see this process through and pass the bill.

Please take a few minutes to contact President Biden, Senate Leader Schumer, and key Senate leaders to thank them for helping us get here, and urge them to protect the coverage gap fix in the House Build Back Better package, and pass the bill before the holidays.

2.2 million Americans have no access to basic, affordable health insurance. Most of them live in the South, and  about 60% are people of color. They are parents and youth, cooks and teachers, caretakers and essential workers. Closing the Medicaid gap is the single most important step Congress can take to tackle structural racism in our healthcare system and ensure our children, families, and communities can thrive.

Our communities can’t wait any longer. Tell Congress to act now and pass the Build Back Better Act!

Posted in Past Actions.